
Monday, November 28, 2011


Friday, November 25, 2011

gowith theflow~

“I’d like to find the guy who invented the proverb ‘go with the flow’ and lead him to an ocean full of hungry sharks. And see how he would flow. I’d really like to know.”—Dee, Grow A Day Older (in Rectoverso)


Well, sempet wara-wiri di blog sebelumnya dan menemukan blogthings, saya inget banget pernah iseng ngisi semacam personality test via gambar. Instruksinya pilihlah hanya satu gambar. Dan pilihan saya jatuh di gambar air terjun. Why? Jawaban saya why not. Haha. Air terjun menggambarkan kedinamisan, keterpasrahan, keberanian, keterdesakkan, kekuatan, keanggunan. Actually saya masih ragu, kok bisa-bisanya milih air terjun, padahal sebelumnya nggak pernah mikir meaningnya air terjun seperti apa.Yeay. This just sharing about a weird thing. Sesuatu yang terbalik dari kenyataan. Sesuatu yang 'hadir' tapi kita tidak menyadarinya. Sesuatu yang saya percayai akan menjadi nyata. Let see and wait. Akan ada momentum untuk kita berubah.


Anggukan Universal

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Candles in love

Dear Director

Beranikah kita untuk mencantumkan tanda tanya di ujung semua yang kita yakini dan percayai? Dan mencantumkan tanda titik hanya jika kita telah mengalaminya langsung, membuktikannya sendiri saat perjalanan kita dari mempercayai akhirnya tiba di mengetahui.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Selamat menyelami hari, kawanku.
Aku tetap disini menunggu.
Tak ada alasan untuk menahanmu lagi di sini.

Kau bebas.Aku tetap di sini...

Monday, November 21, 2011

Tahun Depan?

Serangkaian do'a akan tersampaikan. Semoga.
Dan ini do'a ku:

Dalam hati :')

Friday, November 11, 2011

Behind of Me

You're an Adventurous Spirit

You have an innate ability to see things from a number of perspectives and your inquisitive nature means
that you are drawn to anything surprising or original.
Forward-thinking and modernistic in your approach to life, moving with the times is important to you and you are not afraid to push a few boundaries from time to time.
You are an emotional spirit and you make really strong connections. Good friends and lots of laughs are the recipe for really happy days. And nights!

You're a fast-mover and feel energized about anything that gets your pulse racing!
You're enthusiastic about life and an upbeat spirit who knows how to have fun and tends to value all which is fresh and new in the world.
You tire quickly of old conventions and outdated ideas, wishing to experience new methods with youthful innocence and vigor. It's all about big thrills and exciting antics that take you out of your comfort zone. 

You want to feel connected to the world around you and actively seek out opportunities to get closer to nature. For you, it is all about broadening your horizons and living life to the fullest! Plan your next adventure on

Via Visual DNA

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

A Dream

Tuhan. Sekali saja. Sebelum semua ini berakhir. Izinkan aku melihat kemegahan aurora.

Friday, November 4, 2011


D 3932 TH. Kata pertama yang terlintas di benak: DEATH.
Ya siapa tahu. Cepat atau lambat :) pasti!